Unlike conventional GMAT Coaching, ‘The GMAT Coach’ an online GMAT Prep Course has always tried to reach out to its students’ appeals and has been successful in providing them with a sui generis combination of strategic and technical input.
Starting at the grassroots level, building the framework from ground up and smoothly transitioning into advanced techniques; ‘The GMAT Coach’ is one of the best online GMAT Prep Course in preparing the student for the test and also guiding them throughout the journey. With custom coaching models designed to resonate with the student’s needs, experienced tutors, best in class study material, numerous preparatory tests, and an affordable price, the impact of ‘The GMAT Coach’ on the lives of its students has been substantial.
Although enumerating each and every instance would be treading into the realm of self-boasting, here are a few success stories to put things into perspective. Here is one of our students, Adam, who prepared for the test under the guidance of one of our expert GMAT Coach experienced a monumental increase in his score. Being able to reach the target score, with the help of the techniques, strategies, and guidance employed by the GMAT Prep Course.
Below is Adam’s success story in his own words.
Adam shares his experience with the GMAT Course:
“The preparation sessions helped me to focus on the REAL types of GMAT Quant/Math questions and learn very straightforward methods to get to the solutions quickly. Focused practice questions on each topic really helped my confidence, and on the test day, I was able to quickly identify the topic of each question and the method for solutions was like second nature.
Unlike the Kaplan’s and Manhattan GMAT’s prep classes, this service from “The GMAT Coach” is unique because it does not burden the student with too much information about math principles and solving tricks. It makes the GMAT Quant seem very straightforward, simple and manageable. Also, it was great to establish a goal at the beginning and have realistic tracking toward that goal. I truly appreciated “The GMAT Coach” taking a personal interest in my success. I believe that is what sets this service apart! Communication is excellent and it is a very organized service.
I am very happy with my improved score and rate ‘The GMAT Coach’ a 9/10”
ADAM, Nashville.
It is very evident how ‘The GMAT Coach’s Personalized GMAT Tutoring helped Adam fulfill his dream. Adam’s story is one of the many success stories that have transpired under the supervision of ‘The GMAT Coach’s experts.
Alex, a student who took his GMAT Test recently and was successful in scoring 700 yet again shares his story.
“I worked with ‘The GMAT Coach’ for about 3/4 weeks and came out with flying colours. The course structure was so extensive that it really helped my confidence and also math skills. 6 – 7 Questions in my Final GMAT Test were very similar to questions that were discussed in our sessions. Overall, I am very happy with the course & my success! The amazing news is that I not only got admission into Wake Forest University School of Business & other schools but also received huge fee waiver/scholarship!!”
Alex was able to improve his score significantly by utilizing the One-on-One GMAT Prep Course. Although his score could have easily reached 740 had he attempted the Verbal correctly, Alex nonetheless, was immensely happy with the course outcome.
The main takeaway here is that your experience with ‘The GMAT Coach’ won’t be just be palatable; it will attribute to the reputation that it has attained through the course of over 9 years, of being the best Online GMAT Prep Course. In the present formidable field, unless looked at in a vacuum, the orthodox and heuristic methods pf prepping are just not meant to survive the cut-throat competition without personalized critical analysis and strategic forethought. We strongly recommend trying out our 1.5 Hour Personalized Free One-on-One Session devoid of any unnecessary chatter that focuses on:
- Figuring out your needs – Baseline Assessment
- Reviewing the Extensive Couse Structure
- Explaining Innovative Teaching Methods
- Preparing a Personalized Action Plan
It is completely free of cost and at the end of the session, you can decide if our services meet your needs. However, we would like to add that 95% of those who try out our FREE Session do decide to take up one or more of our courses. So, sign-up for our Free Session NOW!